Cleaning Shopping Carts Manassas, VA

With thousands of customers a day, grocery stores are tasked with the tremendous job of keeping sanitary. A single shopping cart can be used nearly 100 times a day, absorbing dirt and grime each trip. At Absolute Janitorial Service, we understand that keeping shopping carts clean can be extremely demanding and require a workforce. That’s why we are happy to provide a service to alleviate grocery stores in Manassas and the surrounding areas.    

Sanitized and Sparkling Carts

At Absolute Janitorial Service, we use potent, yet non-toxic products. Our mission is to help grocery stores across the region achieve high safety levels with sanitization. We target all parts of shopping carts, ensuring that every inch of them is completely cleaned and disinfected. In doing so, we ensure grocery stores that their equipment is sparkling and entirely disinfected for their customers. 

Disinfect your shopping carts by calling (434) 409-3315 today!